I really don't like you. I wouldn't care if you fell off the face of the earth. If you never talked to me again I would be ecstatic.

Friday, April 30, 2010

E-reader should never replace an actual book

books....i love them. i love to escape to another world, an alternate reality, the future, the past or just s slight shift in the present. no matter where, when or how the story is set up, if the author can paint a truly engaging picture i fall into their world and the words disappear. another hallmark of a fantastic story or writer is if when i have to put the book down, the characters remain running around in my head. they become real to me.

pulling this off is no ordinary feat. while masses believe they can write, really how many can reach the level upon where you and your life melt away. where you can become someone else, find new adventures, just let your reality slip away and escape? escape is a great way to view what books are to me. i escape a difficult day, job, argument or situation. i believe the success rate for a writer is the same as for professional athletes. it takes talent, patience and years or practice.

all of this goes in behind the scenes to provide us with a unique experience every time we open the cover and turn the page. no matter if you have read the book ten times or it is a new release. every time you find something new.

also for me, the look and tactile sensation of a book is a major part of  experience. no matter the old saying, "don't judge a book by it's cover." we pick up books with covers that intrigue us. thats why the artwork on covers is such a high priority. out of the hundreds of book sitting on that shelf, it must stand out and grab you. the tactile experience is where e-readers should fail. no matter how realistic the rendered page is you can not compare to the feel of the pages in your hand, the solidness of the cover, the thickness of all that story in your hands. i don't know about you but i love the thicker, longer books. it means that i get to be in a new world, play with new friends, be another person longer. where is that with a Kindle or Nook? yes, it is portable, you can shelve thousands of books on that little device but i also love being able to walk in a room and see all those lovely, lovely books sitting there waiting for me to pick a new friend or open an old one. the feel of pages, the edges, how thin or thick, glassy or matte, the font......i can go on. in my opinion i will always prefer the look, smell, feel and overall experience waiting for me between those carefully thought out covers..............

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