I really don't like you. I wouldn't care if you fell off the face of the earth. If you never talked to me again I would be ecstatic.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lord I wish I could just fire them all!!!!!

These last two days have felt like an eternity! Can't wait for Thursday when I can just do NOTHING!
My perfect day off is to not talk to anyone, see anyone or do anything. Family say I am a hermit. What ever, I don't care if I am. I just like to be left alone. If I want company I will find it.
My rant today will be featuring immature people. I in no way feel that I always act my age. Everyone acts younger than they are at times. My issues is there are certain individuals who make me want to smack the shit out of them. They whine, cry and mope about the stupidest shit. You know what you chose to work for me. You chose to work in a customer centered business. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF! I'm your boss, do what  I say. Stop bitching and do the damn job you get paid for. I have to hear from my superiors all the time "what is their incentive to perform?" It ought to be that your ass earns a paycheck. You get paid to work. Maybe you should read some of Larry Winget's books. Mainly It's Called Work for a Reason. You made an agreement when you were hired. You perform a service and you get paid for that service. End of deal. We never made a promise to hold your hand, to help make you feel better, to hold your hand, to wipe your frakkin ass. 
If I snap at you, get over it. I'm not a nice person. Never claimed to be. Never really want to be. If you don't like me, I don't care. Kiss my ass! One of my girls at work is 31. It blew me away when I learned how old she was. I never would have put her over 21. She has kids for Christ's sakes. She cries at the drop of a hat. Tells customers when she is tired, when she doesn't feel good. I had to tell her that smiling at the customers is a job requirement. That she is not allowed to discuss inappropriate topics with customers. That she is not allowed to cry either. She didn't particularly like what I had to say but OH WELL. We get so many complaints about this girl. I wish I could just terminate her but we have to work up to it.
Then there is Horse's Ass. She is twenty. Does not have a checking account. Pay any bills. Or even a learner's permit. She depends on everyone else to take her everywhere, to pay for things. She failed as a manager. One of the five worst I have ever seen. She had food fights with the crew. She performed fellatio while on the clock in the store. She is a decent crew member but nothing more. She has the nerve to critique how I run a shift and a store. I wouldn't be where I am if I wasn't at least competent. I don't need an ignorant, asinine, fat ass telling me what I need to do. If I want your opinion I will ask for it! I don't need you texting my boss to tattle. he knows what I do and if he has an issue, he will tell me.
I could keep going but American Idol is on and it's more interesting than my whiny baby employees.

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