I really don't like you. I wouldn't care if you fell off the face of the earth. If you never talked to me again I would be ecstatic.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fresh! Fresh! No! No! Kill me now!

This is a trial to see if I can rant here and not on anyone else. If you find it funny or interesting then all the better. If not, you can easily change pages or if it's that bad, shoot the computer screen.

I work at the most popular fast food joint in the world. I get so tired of hearing everyone ask for fresh fries, fresh mcchicken, fresh, fresh, fresh. For pete's sake people, if fresh is that important to you go to the store and cook it fresh at home. Damn, I mean when you order a Double Qtr Pounder Large add mac sauce and then a Diet coke, you're not really doing yourself a whole hell of a lot of good! If your fat stomach rolls onto the steering wheel or you make your SUV look like a clown car, then you don't frakkin need anything on our menu.

When you stay in Drive Thru for five minutes wondering what you want, really? Our menu hasn't changed in FIVE THOUSAND years people. Sure, let's hold the line up. Let's let cars wrap around the damn building. All so you can decide what you want as you frakkin eat out every damn day. As for the people who argue with your kids over what to get. ITS NOT COMPLICATED! Order them what you want them to eat. There arent that many choices for a happy meal. And if you're paying attention to your kids you already know what they eat!!!!!

As for people who blame coporations for obesity: NO ONE PUT A GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND FORCED YOU TO EAT ALL THOSE BIG MACS!!!!!!!!!! Get over it. You're over weight? Cry when Wii Fit tells you you're obese? Well do something about it! Get off the poor worn out couch, put down the game controllers and get active. Do something besides shove food in your mouth and then cry about how much you weigh. It's your own dan fault how much you weigh. Not your mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband. No one but yourself grabbed that food, bent your elbow and shoved it down your mouth. Did you even chew it or did you swallow it whole and chase it with a large chocholate shake?

Well I could go on but I think I will leave it at that for now. Until the next dumbass person pisses me........
Maybe you think this is harsh, maybe it isn't. Get over it. I had to learn how to change my diet. I work there and don't eat 95% of the menu.

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