I really don't like you. I wouldn't care if you fell off the face of the earth. If you never talked to me again I would be ecstatic.

Friday, April 30, 2010

E-reader should never replace an actual book

books....i love them. i love to escape to another world, an alternate reality, the future, the past or just s slight shift in the present. no matter where, when or how the story is set up, if the author can paint a truly engaging picture i fall into their world and the words disappear. another hallmark of a fantastic story or writer is if when i have to put the book down, the characters remain running around in my head. they become real to me.

pulling this off is no ordinary feat. while masses believe they can write, really how many can reach the level upon where you and your life melt away. where you can become someone else, find new adventures, just let your reality slip away and escape? escape is a great way to view what books are to me. i escape a difficult day, job, argument or situation. i believe the success rate for a writer is the same as for professional athletes. it takes talent, patience and years or practice.

all of this goes in behind the scenes to provide us with a unique experience every time we open the cover and turn the page. no matter if you have read the book ten times or it is a new release. every time you find something new.

also for me, the look and tactile sensation of a book is a major part of  experience. no matter the old saying, "don't judge a book by it's cover." we pick up books with covers that intrigue us. thats why the artwork on covers is such a high priority. out of the hundreds of book sitting on that shelf, it must stand out and grab you. the tactile experience is where e-readers should fail. no matter how realistic the rendered page is you can not compare to the feel of the pages in your hand, the solidness of the cover, the thickness of all that story in your hands. i don't know about you but i love the thicker, longer books. it means that i get to be in a new world, play with new friends, be another person longer. where is that with a Kindle or Nook? yes, it is portable, you can shelve thousands of books on that little device but i also love being able to walk in a room and see all those lovely, lovely books sitting there waiting for me to pick a new friend or open an old one. the feel of pages, the edges, how thin or thick, glassy or matte, the font......i can go on. in my opinion i will always prefer the look, smell, feel and overall experience waiting for me between those carefully thought out covers..............

Monday, March 29, 2010

why do we think they will grow up?

i thought that she understood, that she realized that her actions were inappropriate and juvenile. turns out i was wrong. she is still using social tools to attach people. she says that she cant stand haters, that people should be sincere, etc. how is it being sincere when you aim comments at someone over facebook, when you throw insults over a broad group of people? this is just cycling around again it seems. why is she still concerned with what is happening in my store? it is no longer hers. not her store, not her problem. you want to play kiddie drama, do it with your own people.....leave mine out of it. she was supposedly your friend and you treat her that way? guess i shouldnt be surprised, she did it to me and we are family. i seem to be continuously disappointed when i thought i have given up on her. when will i learn not to expect anything from her?

Monday, March 1, 2010

effects of hive minds.....but i got off topic

why do we let people push our buttons, get us worked up and cause uber drama? i have been having issues with a family member/ex-boss. i found out that she had been lying to my face and blaming me for every problem or issue at work. i always believed her when she told me that our supervisor was playing us against each other. then when i was transfered to another store (because she constantly bitched about me to the point that i was moved to shut her up) it was confirmed by three other people of what she had been doing. she was family, i believed her, i would have done almost anything for her. then found out that she did that to me for months. totally ruined any trust or respect i had for her.
now we had a disagreement on facebook. totally wrong forum and it was my fault for starting it there. however, it was between us and didn't have to spread through out our stores. the ripple effect of this has been tremendous. she has a habit of creating her little cliques that are almost a hive mind. if she is upset or angry with someone hey have to be as well. i had an employee who would not talk to me for weeks because she didn't like the way i had talked to her. and it just went on and on.
she has been texting me, calling me at work and posting on facebook about me. she had people telling her she should kick my ass, etc. my brother pointed out to me tonight that we were both acting like kids and that we are both in a dark place. i agree that we both "misbehaved" he recommended that we needed to talk. i tried to call and she wouldn't answer. she would text me but wouldn't call to actually talk it out.
someone told her that i called her a whore. i did say that she was with her significant other for financial reasons. i have tried ignoring her, avoiding contact with her. i didn't think it would be worth it to talk it out. she then said she was done talking. i haven't confronted her because i don't think it will accomplish everything, she said that i had been caught in a lie already but wouldn't tell me what that was. so i doubt it. i really don't lie to cover up anything i have said or did.
what i don't understand is if you have a problem with someone why do you need to involve others against that person. why do you make people choose between one or the other? do you not realize that someone can be friends with two individuals at once? all of your friends don't have to get along.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lord I wish I could just fire them all!!!!!

These last two days have felt like an eternity! Can't wait for Thursday when I can just do NOTHING!
My perfect day off is to not talk to anyone, see anyone or do anything. Family say I am a hermit. What ever, I don't care if I am. I just like to be left alone. If I want company I will find it.
My rant today will be featuring immature people. I in no way feel that I always act my age. Everyone acts younger than they are at times. My issues is there are certain individuals who make me want to smack the shit out of them. They whine, cry and mope about the stupidest shit. You know what you chose to work for me. You chose to work in a customer centered business. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF! I'm your boss, do what  I say. Stop bitching and do the damn job you get paid for. I have to hear from my superiors all the time "what is their incentive to perform?" It ought to be that your ass earns a paycheck. You get paid to work. Maybe you should read some of Larry Winget's books. Mainly It's Called Work for a Reason. You made an agreement when you were hired. You perform a service and you get paid for that service. End of deal. We never made a promise to hold your hand, to help make you feel better, to hold your hand, to wipe your frakkin ass. 
If I snap at you, get over it. I'm not a nice person. Never claimed to be. Never really want to be. If you don't like me, I don't care. Kiss my ass! One of my girls at work is 31. It blew me away when I learned how old she was. I never would have put her over 21. She has kids for Christ's sakes. She cries at the drop of a hat. Tells customers when she is tired, when she doesn't feel good. I had to tell her that smiling at the customers is a job requirement. That she is not allowed to discuss inappropriate topics with customers. That she is not allowed to cry either. She didn't particularly like what I had to say but OH WELL. We get so many complaints about this girl. I wish I could just terminate her but we have to work up to it.
Then there is Horse's Ass. She is twenty. Does not have a checking account. Pay any bills. Or even a learner's permit. She depends on everyone else to take her everywhere, to pay for things. She failed as a manager. One of the five worst I have ever seen. She had food fights with the crew. She performed fellatio while on the clock in the store. She is a decent crew member but nothing more. She has the nerve to critique how I run a shift and a store. I wouldn't be where I am if I wasn't at least competent. I don't need an ignorant, asinine, fat ass telling me what I need to do. If I want your opinion I will ask for it! I don't need you texting my boss to tattle. he knows what I do and if he has an issue, he will tell me.
I could keep going but American Idol is on and it's more interesting than my whiny baby employees.

Monday, February 22, 2010

(2 of 2) Much less 65 employees. Keep running your trap, you horse's ass.
(1 of 2) How can a failed manager critique a successful one. She has no idea what I need to do. She couldn't even supervise someone going to the damn bathroom.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fresh! Fresh! No! No! Kill me now!

This is a trial to see if I can rant here and not on anyone else. If you find it funny or interesting then all the better. If not, you can easily change pages or if it's that bad, shoot the computer screen.

I work at the most popular fast food joint in the world. I get so tired of hearing everyone ask for fresh fries, fresh mcchicken, fresh, fresh, fresh. For pete's sake people, if fresh is that important to you go to the store and cook it fresh at home. Damn, I mean when you order a Double Qtr Pounder Large add mac sauce and then a Diet coke, you're not really doing yourself a whole hell of a lot of good! If your fat stomach rolls onto the steering wheel or you make your SUV look like a clown car, then you don't frakkin need anything on our menu.

When you stay in Drive Thru for five minutes wondering what you want, really? Our menu hasn't changed in FIVE THOUSAND years people. Sure, let's hold the line up. Let's let cars wrap around the damn building. All so you can decide what you want as you frakkin eat out every damn day. As for the people who argue with your kids over what to get. ITS NOT COMPLICATED! Order them what you want them to eat. There arent that many choices for a happy meal. And if you're paying attention to your kids you already know what they eat!!!!!

As for people who blame coporations for obesity: NO ONE PUT A GUN TO YOUR HEAD AND FORCED YOU TO EAT ALL THOSE BIG MACS!!!!!!!!!! Get over it. You're over weight? Cry when Wii Fit tells you you're obese? Well do something about it! Get off the poor worn out couch, put down the game controllers and get active. Do something besides shove food in your mouth and then cry about how much you weigh. It's your own dan fault how much you weigh. Not your mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband. No one but yourself grabbed that food, bent your elbow and shoved it down your mouth. Did you even chew it or did you swallow it whole and chase it with a large chocholate shake?

Well I could go on but I think I will leave it at that for now. Until the next dumbass person pisses me........
Maybe you think this is harsh, maybe it isn't. Get over it. I had to learn how to change my diet. I work there and don't eat 95% of the menu.